
A Home For Bruno

I brought home a strawberry plant, named it Bruno, and have been keeping it on top of our dresser while we sleep so the cats can’t get to it (though they seem pretty uninterested, honestly) and have been bringing it out to sit next next to me in during the day so it can soak up sun rays. We are becoming fast friends and I eagerly await any signs of one of my favorite summer fruits.

A few days ago Tom came home with two shelves that match our cherry red/brown furniture and asked me where I’d like “Bruno’s house” to be, and that there’s space for my “soon to be herb garden”. Pumpkin, who likes to be involved in anything interesting, helped him put it up. (In case you couldn’t tell what he was doing.)




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  • Reply
    13 May 2011 at 3:10 pm

    aha this is such a sweet post. plus, i’m sure bruno will love its new house.

  • Reply
    13 May 2011 at 7:01 am

    Love that you named your strawberry plant! I planted a whole bunch over the weekend in a friends garden, and I name them all too! I named them Maori names, though, if only to feel a bit closer to home. 🙂

  • Reply
    12 May 2011 at 11:30 am

    Pumpkin is such a cute helper!

  • Reply
    12 May 2011 at 10:43 am

    Hmm. This provided some much needed inspiration. Please hold. 😀

  • Reply
    12 May 2011 at 9:09 am

    Pumpkin is a handsome helper!
    So does this mean more yummy strawberry recipes? 😉

  • Reply
    12 May 2011 at 9:05 am

    My herbs aren’t doing too well. I’m too scared to leave them outside to soak up the sun, but when I leave them inside, they mold because they aren’t getting any sun or warm weather. I’m hoping we’ll be able to find a place in Portland where I can have a flourishing little container garden or something, lots of natural light.

    I love that shelf and Bruno looks great. I’m so jealous of your natural light!

  • Reply
    12 May 2011 at 8:51 am

    If you really want fruit, you will have to get another plant and self-pollinate the flowers once they bloom. : )

  • Reply
    Sarah Nice
    12 May 2011 at 8:21 am

    Aw, I love strawberries. But I also have this weird obsession with plants and tend to “mother” them. I have a few at Lee’s that I’ve become quite close to. He doesn’t take care of them – that’s my job. So after seeing me take care of the plants, he made me in charge of the entire fish take as well. And now he’s getting me a Beta too! I’m so excited.

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